Healing Waters Church is a faith family church that very much cares for each other, our community, and our world. We as a church body seek to demonstrate this through worshiping, studying, serving, & witnessing. Our heart is to share a deep and abiding love for God; His Word; and His people, both inside the church and out, because the Bible tells us that others will come to know Him because of our love for each other.
Our purpose is to spread His Gospel to as many people as we can, in every way we can, as long as we can. We would love to widen our circle to receive you and your family. Pastor Richard Daniels was called into the ministry in 1978. Richard and Rhonda started pastoring their first church in 1979. Pastors Richard & Rhonda speak from the heart of their own experiences as husband/wife and mother/father of two boys. Richard & Rhonda have the unique gift of connecting with men and women from all walks of life.
If you need to see Pastor Richard, please make an appointment by contacting Cindy Morgan at (251) 282-7153 David Morgan (251) 362-2995 or by calling the church office at (251) 580-5174.